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As many of you know, David & I celebrated our 1 Year Wedding Anniversary a couple days ago!! So exciting! In honor of that milestone and celebration, I wanted to share with you some of the things I learned my 1st year of marriage.

The Little Things Matter
I can’t stress this enough! Over the past year I’ve definitely learned how important it is to do sweet little things for my husband. This can be any number of things depending on what you and your spouse like! It can be a sweet text during the day or cooking his favorite meal. You can stop by his work to say hi & make sure you give him a hug and kiss when you both get home. These simple gestures really go a long way. They help your partner feel loved and appreciated and valued.
David knows I loveeee flowers! He surprises me with them all the time and they’re always personalized in some way to the types and colors I like. It means a lot to me that he does this because he really pays attention to what I like and goes out of his way to be sweet! Here are the gorgeous anniversary flowers he got me!
Make Financial Decisions Together
I know I’ve talked about about finances several times before & that’s because it is SO important in life and in marriage! I’ve learned that making big financial decisions together prevents a lot of arguments and fighting. One reason finances are so essential to your marriage happiness is because they can be some of the most stressful pieces. Managing your money as a couple can either make or break you. David and I make ALL major (and sometimes just minor) financial decisions together. This way, we know and agree on what we’re spending our hard earned money on! These are money jars we use to collect spare change in throughout the year.

Let God Be In Control
Although I’ve learned this, it’s something I have to be reminded of from time to time. Don’t try to take care of and control everything yourself. Being married is F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S, don’t get me wrong, but it’s also something brand new. There are going to be situations and frustrations and struggles that come your way in your marriage, & it’s important to let Him bear those. I have to learn this the hard way sometimes because I have a hard time not being in control. But when David & I let go and let God, things go so much smoother!

Patience Is A Virtue
David is MUCH better at this than me, but I try my best! I’ve actually learned a lot about being patient from David because he’s a literal champ at it. I’ve really learned this 1st year of marriage just how important patience is. When I’m not patient, all it does is make situations worse. Although I knew David pretty well before we got married, living in the same household after getting married is a learning experience. We both do many things differently, so patience is key in learning how to compromise and work together in your marriage.

Make Time For Each Other
During this 1st year of marriage I’ve really learned that you have to intentionally make time for your your husband. I’m sure your schedule get hectic and crazy just like ours. With that said, you simply must make your time together purposeful and intentional. We sneak time in together with each other whenever we can. A few minutes snuggling before we get up for work, grocery shopping together (yes, grocery shopping can be fun!), whatever we have to do to be together. I don’t know about you, but I get cranky when I don’t get to see David, so time together is very important to me!
This 1st year of marriage has taught me so many things! I love being able to learn these things with my sweet husband by my side. One year down, many more to go!

Written by Kendra.

To read more from Kendra: click link below


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