First, read the 📖 BIBLE. Don't stick to one version of the Bible; use King James version, New international version, Good News version, Amplified version, etc Get an indept knowledge of Him personally.
Secondly, read 📚 books authored by men of God. Like, David Oyedepo, Kenneth Copeland, Kathryn Kulman, Kenneth Haggin, Enoch Adeboye, Gloria Copeland etc.
Thirdly, attend a Bible believing ⛪ church that preaches the true word of God and recognises Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Also get close to the Pastor and ask questions.
Fourthly, Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and saviour and confess your sins and guilt to Him. For He is the way to God the Father.
Finally, ask the help of the Holy Spirit. For he teaches, guides, directs etc.
Make reading of the Word of God(Bible) become a daily, hourly habit and pray without ceasing.
Please know that, knowing God is more than believing in His existence but having a personal relationship with Him.
Also, being BORN-AGAIN (salvation) is a personal choice.
To know more of God is a decision only you can make. No one will force it on you and God won't do same.
The choice is yours to make; to know Him more. Why don't you invite Him into your life now.
God bless us.