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I made a post on Google+ this morning with a video attached to it. Encouraging us to believe in God for a way out and new directions.

And Donald (not his real name) made comment and a discussion began between us. I asked him if he was a born-again child of God and he replied that he was before. And gave me his reasons below:

"+Uduakobong Hanson well I was born into a Christian home and I had seen how terrible our world is. Being in a military family, as a child I heard all about people being injured or killed. The constant questions I always asked were, "why would God allow this to happen?", "is there a point to human life?" and "will God ever fix anything?". This was all started around the age of 4. Eventually the inquisition and knowledge I obtaines in school made me agnostic around the age of 13. Me not being so sure I used to use cognitive looping to justify a God until around 2014, I saw how the religious community treated homosexuals. All they wanted to do was get married and they were being denied, even in court marriages. I learned that America was supposed to be secular and it was failing to fulfill that promise. People should not suffer because of minor difference. So that led me to a more atheist viewpoint and during 2015 and this year, at the age of 16, I have been fully deconverted. In short the reasons why I have become an atheist is inquisition, empathy, and self imformative actions."

Why I made this post is for us believers all over the world to help Donald answer his questions about God and help him see that God Loves him.
He is going to see all your post on my Google+ account and Facebook page.

Let's save a soul. He that wins a soul is wise.

Watch out for my article on the love of God for mankind.

God bless us!!!


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