Music connects people. It brings the world together. True! Imagine singing one of Don Moen's songs, "I am the Lord that healeth thee..." Dah dah dah dah... And you sing away. Then a total stranger taps you and asked: "Who is the singer of that song?" "And you answered "oh! Don Moen" "Really?! Have heard of him. I didn't know he sang a song sounding so beautiful; spirit lifting." And before you know it, you are chatting away with someone you haven't met before. Believe me, it has happened to me on several occasions. In the same way, we can connect to God with music. The Psalmist said "...O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel" (Psalms 22:3). God enjoys our singing praises and worship to Him. It connects us to Him spiritually. His presence overshadows us and He dwells in our praise. In 2 chronicle 20:1-24, God instructed King Jehoshaphat to tell the people to only praise Him and watch Him f...
- Making the world know that there is and can be a clear(crystal) life in God. Revelations 22:1