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King Hezekiah was sick and he recovered from the sickness through God's mercy (Isaiah 38).

Merodach, King of Babylon heard of his recovery, sent letters and a present to Hezekiah (Isaiah 39)

He didn't even come on his own but sent messengers to deliver his letters and present.
Hezekiah being happy of what he has received showed them all God has blessed him with; everything.

What an action!

Well, maybe he did it with an open heart or to show off; I do not know.
But, God sent Prophet Isaiah to him, telling him that his action has cost him peace in his kingdom.

There is a great lesson to be learnt here.

The lesson of learning to keep our blessings, testimonies, breakthroughs, future plans, journey to be undertaken, issues of life etc to ourselves.

Not everyone should know certain things about you; most times its not even necessary for anyone to know.
Why broadcast yourself?

We should learn to control our mouth; don't just talk carelessly. Someone might pick on it and use it against you or tell another person that will use it against you.

Imagine the action of Hezekiah, he was not even the one going to suffer for it but his children after him.

He practically thanked God that he was going to enjoy peace during his days (verse 8).

The same Babylon he was busy showcasing himself will be the ones taking away his people and treasures; making a total spoil of the whole nation.

Oh!  Our actions matter in life alot.
It can cost you your life, family and everything you hold dear.

This reminds me of a man who told his friend of the job opportunity he has with a reputable company. The Managing Director had asked to meet with him the next day and that he is very sure of getting the job.
His friend heard, left and rushed down to the company that same day, met with the Managing Director and he was given the job. His friend lost that job opportunity just like that.

Yes! He betrayed his friend that was simply sharing his success to-be with him.

What a life!

There are so many instances.
Maybe you have had similar experiences or going through one.

The bottom line is : Watch your actions, watch what you say, keep certain things to yourself and choose your friends wisely.

Abasi Idiong Nnyin!
(God bless us) 


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